Costs Audit
Compare performance - improve performance
Now may not be the right time to change your Costs Lawyer, or indeed you might have your own in-house costs team. But how do you know everything is working the way it should?
Whilst it may not be time for a change, it might be time for an independent review. We can carry out a ‘costs review’, or ‘audit’ of your costs team, internal or external, to ensure it is working for you in the way it should and benchmark their figures against ours.
External costs teams are subject to the usual competitive pressures – perform or clients go elsewhere. But who reviews the performance of internal teams? And what is used to measure that performance? If it’s your own expectations of what the costs team should be doing (or how good they say they are), perhaps it’s time that performance was reviewed on an independent basis, against what can be achieved. With 40 years of experience in the costs business, we have seen and done it all.
Our ‘Costs Audit’ will show if your internal or external team is operating as it should, whether there is room for improvement and provide you with valuable insights which can improve the performance of your team and lead to an increase in your profits. And it can be done discreetly – using readily available information.
The Costs Audit will include a review of hourly rates (what you charge and recover), your retainer documents (including rates, success fee documents and costs estimates), Replies, negotiating tactics, Part 36 Offers and performance on assessment – all benchmarked against our own figures, and
carried out in 21 days for a very modest fee.
So, for an honest, professional, and affordable review of your costs provision – get in touch now.

Email us on info@nwlcosts.com